Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bonding with Buster


This extremely good lookin' guy is, Buster. He is an Australian shepherd. Buster is a funny guy, who is so in love with his dad that he pays almost no attention to others. This got to me because I loved him from the moment I met him, I mean how could you not fall in love with that face? I was so determined for us to become best friends so I started taking him on walks on Thursdays. We would spend our mornings going to the near by park or taking a drive to shoreline community college dog park. 


Throughout our days spent together, I have learned that the way into his heart, is simply spending time with him, oh and did I mention that I fill his belly with treats? That saying may be true not only for men but for dogs as well "that a way to a mans heart is through his stomach." Of course, I do make him work for his treats ( sometimes)! He knows sit, shake, come, lay down, and rollover! 


We are still working on the whole "fetch, retrieve, and return" idea, because his nose tends to want to wonder instead. But he lets me know when he is ready to play ball. The only things he loves more than his dad and his ball, are sticks. 

Funny story about this stick in particular. He found it on his early morning walk with his dad and again when we went on our walk. He almost always goes for bigger sticks then he can handle and sometimes taking me out with them! 


Now that I got him to like me, he never wants me to leave! He does this routine on our way home where he lays down and pulls on the leash the opposite direction. Although some would think its naughty, I always have a big smile on my face, thinking maybe, just maybe, he loves me as much as I love him!! 

It's always sad saying goodbye, but I always look forward to his happy cries next Thursday when we reunite for our fun adventures! 

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